New Agriculturist, Vol. 29(1)



For Full Papers

   »Implications of heterosis and screening for resistance to leaf curl virus in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under North Indian conditions
                                                  Chandan Kumar and Surendra Prasad Singh

   »Growth, yield and quality of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] as influenced by planting densities, genotypes and different levels of nitrogen
                                                   Deepak Khande and N.S. Thakur

   »Effect of P and S on yield, nutrient uptake and quality of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
                                                  R.N. Singh, Devanand and Shikha Tripathi


   »Compatibility of new insecticides with certain fungicides for management of leaf eating caterpillar (Spodoptera litura Fab.) on groundnut
                                                  P. Venkatarao


   »Response of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) to boron nutrition in light-textured entisol
                                                  A.K. Chaubey and S.B. Singh


   »Suitability of sulphur and molybdenum on quality and yield of fenugreek on sandy loam soil of Rajasthan
                                                  Mahendra Singh Manohar, A.C. Shivran and Ashok Choudhary


   »Effect of some plant growth regulators on growth, flowering and yield of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.) as pre sowing corms treatment
                                                  Sangati Victor Babu, Keisam Pradeep, S. Ramesh Kumar and Manju Rana


   »Effect of weed control and sowing methods on weed dynamics and yield of little millet (Panicum sumatrense) under rainfed condition
                                                  Gaurav Mahajan


   »Studies of various enzymatic activity on Rhizobium inoculated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes grown in eastern U.P
                                                  Harendra Singh, Mritunjay Tripathi, Rajan Pratap Singh and Pratibha Singh


   »Genetic inter-reltionship and cause effect for yield and its attributing traits in finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.]
                                                  Abhinav Sao, Prafull Kumar, Preeti Singh and Praveen Panigrahi


   »Effect of composted rock phosphate with organic materials on yield, nutrient uptake and soil fertility after harvest of maize (Zea mays L.)
                                                  M.K. Mali, R.H. Meena and Gajanand Jat


   »To study the effect of different organic sources on vegetative growth, yield attributes and cost benefit ratio of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.)
                                                  Umeshkumar, D. Ram, Rajesh Kumar, Shreekant and Deepak Kumar Gautam


   »Response of Trichoderma spp. against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. tracheiphilum in cowpea
                                                  S.P. Singh, Manu Priya and N. Swathikrishnan


   »Efficacy of botanical pesticides against shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis in Brinjal
                                                  S.K. Dehariya, A. Shukla and S.K. Barde


   »Effect of different levels of nitrogen, sulphur and foliar application of boron in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
                                                   Zineeka Singh, Gautam Ghosh, Victor Debbarma and Prasad Mithare


   »Assessment of economic injury level (EIL) due to Holotrichia fissa Brenske on groundnut under greenhouse and field conditions
                                                  R.G. Shrilakshmi and R.R. Patil


   »Effect of Fe and Zn along with various sources and rate of NPK on performance of paddy cultivation under aerobic conditions
                                                   Rajeev Kumar Srivastava, Yogeshwar Singh, K.K. Singh, A.K. Singh and Ruby Saha


   »Assessment of genetic variability in recombinant inbred lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.) using phenotypic traits and molecular markers
                                                  Soumya Mohanty, J. Kumar, N. Mohanty, G. Gouda, S.K. Pradhan, S.K. Dash and L. Behera


   »Assessment on management of late blight in tomato incited by Phytophthora infestans
                                                  B. Manjunath, C.P. Manjula, Jahir Basha, K.N. Srinivasappa and Manjunath Gowda


   »Performance of rice varieties grown under different spacings with planting depths in system of rice intensification
                                                  Archana Rajput, Sujit Singh Rajput and Girish Jha


   »Evaluation of chickpea genotypes for seed germination, plant height and resistance against dry root rot incited by Rhizoctonia bataticola (Taub.) Butler
                                                  Dinesh Kumar, Kuldeep Singh, Harish Kumar and Mahendra Partap


   »Bioefficacy of a repository of Trichoderma spp. isolates against Alternaria solani inciting early blight of tomato
                                                  Jahaar Singh, Ashish Kumar and R.K. Tiwari


   »Effect of micronutrients on fruit yield and quality of fruit in tomato Solanum lycopersicum L.
                                                  Trilok Chand and J.P. Collis


   »Impact of herbicides on growth, yield and yield attributing character of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
                                                  Tarun Gopal, R.A. Yadav and Abhinandan Singh


   »Varietal evaluation studies in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) genotypes under Allahabad agro-climatic condition
                                                   Kuldeep Singh Rajawat, John P. Collis, Gajendra Singh, Jalam Singh and Hareram Kumar


   »Character association in M4 micromutants in wheat


   »Effect of certain chemicals against Gundhi bug (Leptocorisa oratorius Fab.) of paddy (Oryza sativa L.)
                                                  Kamal Tanwar and Sobita Simon


   »Entomological problems of major insect-pests at farmer’s field in pigeonpea crop
                                                  P.K. Dwivedi


   »Assessment of yield and economic potential of Ragi crop variety GPU-28 in Bastar region of Chhattishgarh
                                                  J.K. Tiwari, S.K. Tiwari, P.K. Dwivedi and Sandhya Mure


   »Positioning cluster bean, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. in an effective way to reduce the major insect pest load of okra, Abelmoschus esculentus L.
                                                  Debashis Roy and P.K. Sarkar


   »General and interaction effect of NPK and sulphur on growth and yield attributes of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) variety Pusa Synthetic
                                                  P. Gocher, A.K. Soni, A.K. Mahawar and S.P. Singh


   »Performance of integrated use of city compost and inorganic sources of nutrients on yield, uptake of nutrients and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L)
                                                  S.B. Pandey, R.N. Singh and Shivum


   »Evaluation of pigeonpea germplasms against Sterility Mosaic Disease (SMD) caused by the mite vector (Aceria cajani)
                                                  Rahul Kumar Maurya, Birendra Kumar and Rahul Kumar


   »Assessment of onion (Allium cepa L.) advanced lines for bolting behavior on growth and bulb yield in late kharif season
                                                  Saurabh Dixit, P.K. Dwivedi and A.K. Dubey


   »Intercropping effect of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa) with Brahmi (Bacopa monneri) on its growth, yield and profitability under irrigated ecosystem—A review
                                                  Neeshu Joshi, V. Pratap Singh and Arunima Paliwal